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The Surprising Truth: Can Cats Eat Pork Safely?

can cats eat pork?

Pork is one of the most widely consumed meats on the planet. For decades, it’s been an essential ingredient in many people’s diets, from sausages to bacon, gammon to ham. However, can cats eat pork? Felines are obligate carnivores, which means they must consume animal protein to thrive.

Nevertheless, you should proceed with caution when introducing pork into their diet. If your cat routinely attempts to steal your morning bacon, you may question if feeding it to them is alright. While certain pork products are acceptable for cats, others are unsafe and should be avoided.

We’ll discuss whether pork is safe for cats, which varieties should be avoided, and why. We’ll also talk about how to safely prepare and serve pork to your cat and how it fits into a balanced diet.

Can Cats Eat Pork?

Let’s get this straight: Pork is not dangerous to cats; it is a healthy meat alternative packed with protein and other nutrients that will benefit your feline companion. You may be wondering why pork is rarely included as a component in commercial cat food. Even though it’s high in protein and other nutrients, pork can be high in fat (depending on the cut) and sodium – both unfavorable for our feline friends. 

Is Pork Good for Cats?

Pork isn’t the ideal choice for cats; other meats (such as chicken) have less salt and fat and more protein, making it a far better option for your feline buddy. If they consume meals high in fat, they can rapidly gain weight, leading to cat obesity and artery blockages. Too much salt in your cat’s diet can cause renal, liver, and cardiac problems, as well as sodium overdose.

Health Benefits of Eating Pork

Pork has certain health advantages despite its high fat and salt load. Before we get into its advantages, remember that your cat may obtain the same nutritional benefits from other meats and foods with fewer negatives. Now for the nutritional value of pork.

  • Protein. Pork is naturally high in protein and essential for your cat’s diet. Cats are obligate carnivores; thus, consuming adequate animal protein daily is critical to their health. However, for a healthy kitty, you should not give them pork as their primary source of protein; it contains much too much fat and salt to be a healthy alternative.
  • Micronutrients. Pork contains many B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, niacin, and zinc. 
hungry cat

What Pork Is Safe for Cats to Consume?

If you must feed your cat pork, choose unprocessed, lean meats such as pork chops, ribs, and tenderloin without the skin or bones. It’s a rare component in conventional cat food, but it might be a suitable alternative for cats with food allergies. Although it is usually easy to digest, unfamiliar food may irritate your cat’s stomach.

Which Pork Products Should You Never Feed Your Cat?

You should avoid feeding processed pork goods to your cat, such as sausage, ham and bacon. They are enticing to your cat, but they come at a cost.

Processed pork products are typically high in salt, fat, and preservatives. They may also include harmful substances to cats, such as garlic and onions. Even non-toxic spices and other additives might cause gastrointestinal distress in your cat.

Too much salt is unhealthy for cats and can even be dangerous in large enough amounts. However, salt poisoning is highly unusual and unlikely to occur. Excessive fat consumption might lead your cat to gain too much weight. Obesity in cats can cause a variety of health concerns, including muscle and joint issues, diabetes, and heart issues.

How Much Pork Can Your Cat Eat?

Pork should be regarded as a treat unless your cat is eating a homemade pork-based diet under the supervision of a veterinarian. Treats should not exceed 10% of your cat’s daily calorie consumption. Consult your veterinarian to determine how many calories your cat should consume daily.

The majority of these calories should come from nutritious cat food. Cats require particular vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to keep healthy. While plain pork can be beneficial, it must provide these in sufficient quantities.

For the same reason, never give your cat a homemade diet containing pork or any other protein without first checking with your veterinarian. 

Tips for Feeding Pork to Your Cat

Aside from selecting nutritious items, there are a few crucial safety precautions to take if you feed your cat pork.

  • First, remove all of the bones from the pork. Choking hazards for your cat might be caused by bones. They can also splinter and hurt your cat or become lodged in their digestive tract and cause a blockage.
  • Never give raw pork to your cat. Uncooked food may contain harmful bacteria that might make you or your cat sick. Raw pork may be contaminated with parasites that affect your cat.
  • Avoid using spices, garlic, onion, salt, or oil while cooking pork for your cat.

Cats may also eat the following foods:

Any responsible pet parent should know what human foods cats can eat and what type of food they cannot consume; here are a few cat-safe meals.

  • Chicken
  • Rice
  • Oatmeal

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