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The Homemade Cat Food Revolution

Homemade Cat Food

Have you ever looked at your cat’s food and wondered, “Could I make this better?” Well, you’re not alone! Many cat owners are turning to homemade cat food as a healthier and more personalized option for their feline friends. In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience often trumps quality, more and more cat owners are taking a step back to reconsider what they’re feeding their pets.

Why? Because they’re not just pets; they’re family. And just like any family member, their health and well-being are a top priority. Feeding your cat homemade food isn’t just about filling their bowl with something edible; it’s about understanding their nutritional needs, catering to their taste preferences, and ensuring they live a long, happy, and healthy life.

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Benefits of Homemade Cat Food

Why Go Homemade?

When it comes to feeding our feline friends, the advantages of homemade meals go beyond just satisfying their hunger. Here’s a deeper look at the benefits:

  • Complete Control Over Ingredients: One of the most significant advantages of homemade cat food is the ability to control exactly what goes into each meal. This mainly benefits cats with allergies, sensitivities, or specific dietary needs. By selecting the ingredients, you can ensure that your cat gets the best quality food, free from unwanted fillers, preservatives, or low-quality meats often found in commercial cat foods.
  • Tailored Nutrition: Every cat is unique, and their dietary needs can vary based on age, health, activity level, and personal preferences. Homemade cat food allows you to customize meals to meet these specific needs, ensuring a balanced diet that supports their overall health and well-being.
  • Avoidance of Harmful Additives: Commercial cat foods can contain a range of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, which may not be ideal for your cat’s health. With homemade food, you have the peace of mind from knowing your cat’s meals are free from these potentially harmful additives.
  • Freshness and Quality: There’s no question that fresh food can be more nutritious and digestible than processed options. Preparing your cat’s meals at home confirms they eat fresh, high-quality foods, which can improve digestion, healthier skin and coat, and more energy.
  • Strengthened Bond: Preparing your cat’s meals is an act of love and care. It can strengthen the bond between you and your pet, as they recognize your effort to secure their happiness and health.
  • Potential Cost Savings: While there might be an upfront investment in quality ingredients, making your cat’s food at home can be cost-effective compared to purchasing premium or prescription commercial diets over time.
  • Reduced Health Risks: A diet made of high-quality, whole foods can contribute to better overall health, potentially reducing the risk of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related diseases.
  • Enjoyment and Variety: Cats can be picky eaters, and homemade food allows you to offer a variety of tastes and textures, which can be more appealing and help prevent boredom with their meals.
homemade cat food

The Basics of Feline Diet

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy life for your cat. Understanding the basic nutritional needs of cats is essential before you prepare homemade cat food. Here are key components and considerations:

High-Protein Diet

Cats are carnivores, meaning their bodies are designed to digest and use nutrients from animal-based proteins. High-quality proteins like cooked chicken, turkey, fish, and beef are vital for muscle growth, repair, and overall health. Protein should be the most significant part of their diet.

Fats for Energy and Health

Fats are a concentrated energy source and essential for absorbing certain vitamins. They also contribute to healthy skin and fur. Sources of good fats include fish oil and chicken fat. However, the amount should be controlled to prevent obesity.

Low Carbohydrate Needs

Unlike humans, cats have limited ability to digest carbohydrates. Excessive carbs can lead to obesity and diabetes. Select digestible sources like small amounts of rice or vegetables for cats when including carbohydrates in homemade cat food.

Vitamins and Minerals

Cats require various vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, and calcium. While these are naturally present in animal tissues, a homemade diet may require supplements to ensure a balanced diet.


Cats often don’t drink enough water, so their food needs to help keep them hydrated. Wet foods or adding broth to dry foods can aid in maintaining proper hydration.

Balanced and Varied

Just like humans, cats benefit from a balanced and varied diet. It’s important not to rely on a single food or protein source. Rotating different meats and adding small amounts of vegetables can provide a range of nutrients.

Avoiding Toxic Foods

Some safe foods for humans can harm cats. Avoid onions, garlic, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, grapes, raisins, and too much fish (due to mercury content).

cat's food

Homemade Cat Food vs. Store Bought

When comparing homemade and store-bought cat food, several key differences emerge, each with advantages and drawbacks.

Homemade cat food offers complete control over the ingredients, making it an ideal choice for cats with specific dietary needs or allergies. It ensures freshness and the absence of preservatives and additives, often found in commercial foods. Moreover, preparing food at home allows for customization to suit the unique health requirements of a cat, such as low sodium for heart health or high protein for active felines. 

However, the primary challenge with homemade cat food is providing a nutritionally balanced diet. Cats require specific nutrients in precise ratios, and missing these can lead to health issues. Preparing homemade cat food can also be time-consuming and often more expensive than purchasing pre-made options.

On the other hand, store-bought cat food is convenient and designed to meet the general nutritional requirements of cats. High-quality commercial foods are formulated by veterinary nutritionists and undergo strict testing to guarantee they are nutritionally complete. They offer a balanced diet without additional supplementation and are available in various forms to cater to different preferences and health needs. 

However, some store-bought options may contain fillers, artificial additives, or lower-quality ingredients, especially in cheaper brands. The convenience of store-bought food also means less customization, which might not be suitable for cats with specific health issues or dietary sensitivities.

Homemade cat food provides customization and fresh, whole ingredients at the expense of time, effort, and the challenge of ensuring nutritional balance. Store-bought cat food offers convenience and scientifically formulated nutrition but can include unwanted additives and less control over ingredient quality. The choice between store-bought vs homemade cat food depends on the cat’s health needs, the owner’s lifestyle, and their ability to commit to the preparation and research required for homemade meals.

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